Design and construction of storage space

  • Thief defense

    Necessity of a strict access control system to prevent theft by external intruders

  • Humidity control

    Reduces sudden change in humidity inside the storage in case of long-term air conditioning machine failure (in general, relative humidity is less than 55%).

  • Insulation

    Reduces sudden temperature change inside storage in case of long-term air conditioning machine failure

  • Blockability

    Blocks the invasion of alkaline pollutants such as insects, dust, mold, moisture from concrete, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), volatiles and salts (NaCl, CaCl) into the storage.

  • Fire resistance

    Fire-fighting performance and fire-resistance performance in preparation for internal and external fires are required. Maintains the emergency limit temperature (80℃ or less) in storage even in case of external fire

Items to be reviewed when planning storage

A storage warehouse that stores collections or artworks of historical and cultural value should be constructed in consideration of architectural structures, facilities, firefighting, and building materials. The important functions required by the storage room include constant temperature and humidity performance, ventilation performance, air cleaning performance, water order performance against heavy rain, humidity control and insulation performance against mechanical failure, firefightingperformance and fire resistance against internal and external fires, These include strategy performance to prevent intruders and storage performance for efficient storage of artifacts.

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism ㅡ 『Guideline Study on Installation of Public Museum Storage Storage and Safety Management, 2017』 2.2 Storage Storage Performance

  • Best Company

    Industry leading company

    Competency verified with over 100 performance results

  • Modelling

    Storage modeling

    Propose rational modeling considering internal and external factors of storage

  • Construction

    Storage design and construction

    Adoption of exclusive materials suitable for the characteristics of the artifact and design of the storage stand

  • Management

    Systematic follow-up management

    Suggestion of improvement directions for storage through systematic follow-up management

  • System Design

    System design

    Efficient storage system design within limited budget